AI-powered Podcasts

Media companies (as well as companies & individuals from many other industries) have a lot of content to share: Blogs, Press Releases, Articles, White Papers. Until now, it has been expensive and complex to put these materials into Audio and Video formats.

My new creation, Automated Podcasting, sets out to change this: using a 100% automated workflow, the best-in-class tools for Text to Speech & Text to Video generate a podcast episode or video episode for you. The best part: it’s 100% automated. You simply send an email or fill out a form – and your text gets transformed, your intro, jingle and post-production gets added and the episode is uploaded to Spotify, Apple Podcasts and all other podcast hosts. It takes less than 5 minutes and no manual work at all.

I’ve teamed up with Podcast publishing veteran Stefan Lassnig & famous journalist Michael Nikbakhsh for this product – and our goal is to ensure that more quality content is spread through a new channel online. We do not want to empower AI-generated slop that has no added value to the listeners: instead, we want to empower businesses to find new distribution models for their high-quality output!

We launched a prototype in August 2024 – Radio Gustav – which takes the daily press announcements of Vienna’s Police Department RSS feed and turns it into a daily podcast:

We’re also already running the first podcast for an Austrian daily newspaper – and more to come soon!